Jennifer Lubke, East Tennessee, USA, Secondary, Language Arts
I am a secondary language arts teacher/learner with 11 years classroom experience. I am currently pursuing a graduate degree in instructional technology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and am most passionate about the field of media education, especially understanding how adolescents use media outside the confines of the traditional classroom.
How might educators tap into this in ways that add relevance and rigor to our course content and, at the same time, teach young people to engage more critically and responsibly with all forms of new and electronic media? The current focus of my graduate work is the use of web-based tools and applications in building virtual learning communities to support the mentoring and induction of new and novice teachers.
This is the online home of my personal learning network, a place where I share questions and reflections on ed tech, media, and information literacy.
Theme: technology, instructional technology, media, media education, media literacy, information literacy, web2.0, collaboration, mentoring, eMentoring, teachers, professional development, networking, social media, school reform
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