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In order to be added to the directory, simply fill in the form below OR send an email to with the following information (or as much of it as you wish to include):
1) Name
2) Country
3) Short personal biography
4) Blog Name
5) Blog Address
6) Short description of the blog
7) Name of the subject if applicable (e.g. maths, geography, etc)
8) Tags that would describe your blog
9) Education sector (primary, secondary, further, tertiary, adult, other)
10) Attach a picture/avatar or include a link to one
NB: Your country, education sector, subject/s and tags will all be added automatically to your page. To enhance search results even further, you may decide to include other details that you think will be useful. For example, details about your location (e.g. california) will be picked up through the onsite search and may prove useful for finding other edubloggers in your area.
You can add the details for as many blogs as you wish! You will be sent your personalized International Edubloggers Directory Badge once you have been added to the directory.