Alan Levine, Arizona, USA, Technology, Above Secondary
Alan Levine is the Vice President Community and CTO for the New Media Consortium (NMC), an international consortium of more than 250 universities, colleges, museums, research centers, and technology companies dedicated to using new technologies to inspire and support learning and creative expression. Alan supports all of the web sites for NMC, researches new technologies for members and the Horizon Project, and organizes activities across the web and in the NMC virtual worlds projects.
Before this, he spent 14 years evangelizing as an instructional technologist for the Maricopa Community Colleges in Phoenix, Arizona, where he hoisted a web server back in 1993 hosting among a pile of other web sites, the Writing HTML tutorial (sometimes called the "Volcano Thing". Alan was a key contributor to significant efforts such as Ocotillo, a faculty-led initiative that promotes innovation and drives change, created the Maricopa Learning eXchange (MLX), a virtual warehouse of innovation that pioneered the use of RSS in syndicating learning object content, and developed Feed2JS, an open source software shared for allowing people to easily incorportate RSS content into web pages. He has been an invited speaker in Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, across the US, and sprinkled among the web.
In the course of this, Alan began his CogDogBlog in April 2002 but might stretch a blog history back to 2000 when he hand coded a blog for a 6 month sabbatical (http://dommy.com/az2nzau). He is a major Web 2.0 fan boy and if had to, could exist solely within the space of flickr.
Alan works his mountain home in Strawberry, Arizona and spends time hiking, photographing, and maintaining the dog metaphors ;-)
CDB is Alan's place to "bark" about instructional technology and includes posts on new web tools, current projects, odd photos, curious web sites, and the regular spiked rants at spammers and badly designed online and real world services.
Theme: technology, dog photography, rss, php, programming, webdesign, web2.0
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