Chris Betcher, Sydney, Australia, K-12
As someone who has been in (and occasionally out of) education for over 20 years, I guess I have a few opinions on how I’d like it to work. And mostly it doesn’t work the way I’d like. I am particularly interested in thinking about how schools need to change to accommodate 21st century learners, how technology can be used to make learning more interesting, relevant, fun and engaging, and how technology should be used to support people, not drive them crazy.
I also have a wide range of interests, based on everything in general and nothing in particular… if it’s funny, interesting, curious or just plain bizarre, I will probably find it of interest. If I was a cat, I’d be dead.
I currently work at an independent R-12 school in Croydon, Sydney, in Australia as a technology integration specialist. Originally trained as an art teacher, an interest in computer graphics and design saw me drift away from that role and into a variety of technology related areas including the teaching of computing and multimedia, professional development of staff in ICT, network administration and ICT coordination, and even some private consulting in educational ICT.
I have taken part in a number of online initiatives and global collaborative projects, and also spoken at various conferences and workshops around Australia on a wide range of ICT-related topics, including Interactive Whiteboards and Web2.0 technologies. I also produce a regular podcast called The Virtual Staffroom which looks at issues of relevance to teachers working with technology.
"education + technology + ideas"
Betchablog is Chris Betcher's personal weblog focused on issues of relevance to educators working with technology in their teaching practice. It offers personal insights and commentary of a range of edutech news and initiatives, including the use of Web 2.0 tools, online communities, eLearning and interactive learning technology.
The Virtual Staffroom
"Conversations with leading teachers about technology in the classroom"
This site is run as a community podcasting project by Chris Betcher. Virtual Staffroom provides an opportunity to engage in conversation and dialogue to explore the impacts that new technologies are having on our classrooms. By providing a communication channel for leading teachers to voice their ideas about 21st century classrooms, it hopes to enable others to tap into that collective wisdom and make the classrooms of tomorrow the best possible experiences for our students.
Theme: podcast, education, conversation, technology, edutech, iwb, web2.0, edutech, edublog
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