Gareth Long, Cayman Islands, Education Consultant
Gareth Long, Education Consultant, currently working in the Cayman Islands but with extensive experience in the UK.
Gareth is currently engaged in the holistic transformation of the entire Cayman Islands education service as the Strategic Development Advisor (Education) for the Minister of Education. He is also helping with the design of 21st century learning campuses (secondary and primary) working with some of the worlds leading experts. As a secondary school headteacher, mainly in the UK, he was dedicated to turning four 'failing' schools around.
Gareth Long - Education
Gareth reflects on his work towards achieving 21st century education, considers current trends, looks for best practice but also identifies some nightmares....and other things that happen in his rather exciting days....
Theme: education transformation, 21st century education, teaching and learning, learners voice, schools of the future, education leadership, best practice in schools, education systemic change