Vaughn Branom, Houston, Texas, USA, Elementary, Secondary, All Subjects
Public school librarian with experience ranging from traditional to 21st century! Serve as District Library Information Specialist where I support 39 campus librarians and anyone else who asks!
A Library By Any Other Name
Share thoughts and information about and for school libraries, librarians, teachers, and anyone else who is interested in what I find about online resources, 2.0 anything, children's & YA books and reading interests.
Try to share all types of curriculum interests and needs, technology integration ideas, plus stuff that just interests me on the chance it might interest someone else.
Theme: authors, books, curriculum, libraries, librarians, web 2.0, library 2.0, collaboration, blogs, blogging, staff development
Lily Pad Playground
My Library2Play 23 Things blog where I share my fun and frustrations with regards to the 23 Things staff development event we are doing with district librarians & teachers, library school students, and librarians from around Texas.
Theme: 23 things, image generators, google, search engines, blogs, blogging, wikis, open source resources