Lisa Stevens, England, UK, Primary, Spanish, MFL, Primary Languages
Originally a Secondary MFL (Spanish and French) teacher, I now teach Spanish in two primary schools to pupils aged 3-11. I am PLL and International coordinator at Whitehouse Common Primary School in Sutton Coldfield near Birmingham. I am also a Language coach working with the LA to support the introduction and development of PLL in the area. I am also an eTwinning Ambassador and a Teachers TV Associate, and on the Steering group for the West Midlands ELL RSG.
The subtitle of my blog is teaching and learning Primary Languages in the 21st century. I started it to share my experiences and ideas, to encourage others in their teaching, and also as a way to share my thoughts about education. My love of creativity, songs, stories and using new technology are all reflected in my blog.
Theme: spanish, languages, teaching, learning, web2.0, technology, resources, ideas, french, english, global awareness, international links, etwinning, collaboration, creativity
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