Alex Blagona, Ipswich, England, UK, Secondary, Modern Languages
Alex Blagona is Language College Co-ordinator at Northgate HighSchool, in Ipswich. He has been teaching French and German for over10 years and has worked across the region and the country withteachers and schools that have been interested in setting up their own blogs, recording podcasts or developing ICT use to suit the needsof their language learners.
MFL @ Northgate is an educational blog promoting the work that goes on in Modern Language Learning at Northgate High School in Ipswich in Eastern England. Written by the teachers, and with lots of student contributions, it serves to inform and educate the local community, and students of French, German and Spanish further afield. Posts include useful ideas to help teaching languages, resources for
students preparing for exams, and the lates news in the world of languages!
Established in September 2006, MFL @ Northgate now has an established readership, and promotes the work of the Northgate Language College through the community. There is comment, review and lots of useful resources and links for all learners of MFL.
Theme: MFL, blog, language learning, Ipswich, Northgate
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