John Allan, Canada, Adult, TESOL and CALL
John Allan is a TESL teacher with an affinity for technology. Blending technology into educational opportunities is his passion. He has 22 years experience in education and training.
Degrees: MSC CALL, BA History, B.Ed. TESL, Master of Distance Education, B. Ed. Intermediate: Instructional Design Cert. Projects of note: edlinc, Open Source of Course conference, TESOL EVO online courses, HSBC FTP Finance Programme 9over 100 unique workshops and conference presentations) Specialties: TESOL, Moodle, eXact, distance education, instructional design.
This site is dedicated to discussion of the growth of Web 2.0 and educational materials developers. All are welcome to contribute and share to benefit the profession as a whole. Stephen and John have collaborated on a dozen articles and presentations in the area of educational technology. They have also collaborated on the development of face-to-face and online courses for a variety of clients. It must be noted that most of this activity has been to satisfy our curiosity in this area.
All of our print articles are also posted to this blog (in full).
Theme: TESL, ESL, EFL, CALL, edtech, Web 2.0, education
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