Bianca Hewes, Australia, High School, English
In my sixth year of teaching English at a comprehensive public high school. Completed a Dip. Education via distance education at University of New England.
I feel that I have become a ‘true’ teacher having established a twitter PLN in August 2009. Since the introduction of DER my edu world has expanded before my eyes and I now engage in daily discussions about education and learning. I am thrilled to hold the position of DER T&L co-ordinator at my school and am eager to be helping the steer ship that is the 21st education revolution at our school.
Since 2008 I have co-authored two study guides for Pascal Press and I am in the process of authoring a third. I have HSC marked, presented at the annual ETA conference as well as the DET’s 2010 Office of Schools Conference.
Bianca's Blog
Writing for the world to read and see my exact picture of it. My way of sharing my ideas and experiences as a teacher in the 21st century.
Theme: english, 21st century education, master teacher, leadership, teaching
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