Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jason Newcombe

Jason Newcombe

Jason Newcombe, Australia, K-12, Higher

An early and successful background in an engineering trade provided the motivation to pursue a career as an Secondary school educator. Graduating in 2000 with a Bachelor of Technology education with honours (2A) it was a personally and professionally defining period. It provided further motivation to pursue research to seek clarification in what I observed to be paradoxically an idiosyncratic, yet ill-defined and contested area of school curriculum.

I spent, five years in both public and independent/private secondary schools in Australia (including 12 months in a Special education unit) teaching manual arts and Industrial technology and design. I have since spent two years as an Associate lecturer at Southern Cross university-Coffs Harbour campus, where I delivered into a then innovative teacher education course in Technology Education.

I continue to occasionally work casually as a university tutor with my main efforts focused upon deeper and more sustaining (and enlightening), scholarly work toward completing my doctoral research. My research contributes to the work in technacy theory (holistic technological activity) with particular focus on judgment formation and sustainability.

TECHNOLOGY; from nano to macro/global scales it shapes out reality in ordinary experience. Here find discussions, links, and other resources for thinking differently about technology to assist in forming more sustainable judgment - comments welcome.

Theme: technacy, design technology, STS, technology education, technology studies,

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