Tomaz Lasic, Australia, born in Slovenia, Secondary, ICT Integration & Humanities
Grew up in Slovenia & Croatia, migrated to Australia in 1992.
Passionate about teaching, ICT and the humanising possibilities of new ICT tools, particularly web2+. I am a teacher (social studies, economics, philosophy & ethics, media), ICT mentor and Moodle administrator at a medium-size public school in Perth, Western Australia.
Former international water polo player, completed Masters degree in Education on a theme of equity and cultural identity.
Motto: "What if?".
Human. For fellow teachers...
I was surprised to see 'human' as a naming option still available :-). For now, mainly a repository of 2 Minute Moodles but with a plan to expand to other resources. Aware of adding to the glut of hype, I hope that what I write helps someone, somewhere...
Theme: moodle, 2 minute moodles, ict