Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Liz Kolb
Liz Kolb, USA, K12, All Subjects
I am currently finished up my doctorate in learning technologies at the University of Michigan. I am also an adjunct assistant professor at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan where I teach courses on technology integration to inservice teachers. Formerly, I taught for 7 years in Ohio as a high school and middle school social studies and technology teacher. I also spent 4 of those years as a high school technology coordinator.
From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning
The purpose of the cell phones in learning blog is to discuss various methods mobile phones can be used as learning tools inside and outside of the classroom. While there are many media reports concerning the negative aspects of cell phones in schools, I wanted to focus on some ways to utilize cell phones inside and outside of schools for learning.
Theme: cellphones, mobile phones, mobile learning, mobile education, moblogging, locoblogging, PDA, CPS, GPS
mobile education,
mobile learning,
mobile phones,