Lee Ann Spillane, USA, Secondary, English
Close to 45 years experience in education as a student, a high school English teacher, Reading & Writing Center director, literacy consultant, and curriculum writer. I love learning and working with students of all ages. I currently live in Orlando, Florida and teach English at Cypress Creek High School.
Portable Teacher
Welcome to my teaching blog! Portable-Teacher reflects what I'm doing or thinking about doing in the classroom. I started the blog with a few teaching friends, who occasionally post to it. We envisioned it as a collaborative space where we could share and engage in conversation about our practice.
I use the blog to remember and reflect on my teaching as well as a place to share ideas or tools I've found helpful. I would like the blog to push teachers and others to question, imagine and or reflect on their own practice.
Visit my virtual classroom
Theme: teaching english, online teaching tools, web 2.0, web tools, reflection, YAlit, technology integration
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