Sarah, UK, Primary, All Subjects
Teaching colleagues were asking me where I found the great teaching resources that I was using in the classroom. I realised that resources are not always as easily found on the Internet as teachers would like.
Having taught in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 I found it quite difficult to keep track of the locations of all the resources I was using myself. That’s when I got the idea for a website that catalogues and sorts teaching resources to make them quicker and easier to find. Many months later, Stuff4Teaching is the result.
A website that is sorted by Key Stage with links to resources for all the subjects, Literacy, Numeracy, History, Geography, Science, DT, Art, R.E, all then sorted by topic. Loads of these resources are suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard. This has saved myself loads of time in the classroom, so now I hope it will save other teachers lots of time too!
Stuff4Teaching - currently offline
Shrinking the Internet for Teachers.
Stuff4Teaching is a website which provides links to thousands of teaching resources aimed at those teaching Early Years, Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 children. The site specialises in links to resources that can be used with an Interactive Whiteboard, but also has resources for children to use on a PC, worksheets and printables.
Our blog features changes we've made to the site, school chat and funny comments and situations that we come across every day in the classroom!
Theme: teaching, teaching resources, teaching funnies, key stage 1, key stage 2, early years, interactive whiteboard, whiteboard, printables