Heather Sullivan, USA, All Sectors, All Subjects
I've been educating in the Freehold Regional High School District (Monmouth County, NJ) for 9 years & helping facilitate the use of EdTech formally for 3 years. My main hats include:
* Biology Teacher
* District Technology Facilitator
* Professional Development Committee Chair
* Professional Learning Community Developer
* Building Technology Application Team Chair
* Discovery Educator Network STAR member
- NJ DEN Leadership Council, NJ DEN Blog Coordinator
Discovery Educator Network- New Jersey
When faced with the question, "What kind of Web 2.0 tools are you using with your students?", many educators might respond: "I didn't even know there was a Web 1.0!"
Before we can truly see the successful, pervasive permeation of collaborative internet technology in Education, we must help our colleagues understand what Web 2.0 means. In order to experience a ubiquitous use of collaborative internet technology in our schools, I believe ALL educators must be able to:
* Differentiate between Web 1.0 & Web 2.0
* Understand why internet collaboration is ESSENTIAL for 21st Century learners
* Truly believe that it is essential
* Use at least one Web 2.0 tool on a consistent basis (personally AND professionally)
Theme: edtech, professional development, personal learning networks, collaboration, professional learning communities