Susan Sedro, Singapore, Primary, Technology Coordinator
I am originally from Minnesota, USA but have fallen in love with living and teaching in other countries. First it was Malaysia. Currently it is Singapore. I split my time between being a technology integrationalist and the technology coordinator of the intermediate division. Our division teaches children from the ages of 8 to 11 years old.
I started teaching in a multi-age classroom in a progressive school with strong parent involvement. I found myself adding increasing amounts of technology into my curriculum as I tried to find meaningful and engaging tools to help my students love learning. Technology fits well with my constructivist ideas about teaching and learning. Eventually, these interests lead me to try blogging.
Adventures in Educational Blogging
I started to blog in the spring of 2005. I was just fooling around with Blogger to figure out how to use it with students. However, at that time, I was frustrated to find so few resources online to help me start blogging with children. I thought others were probably also looking for resources, so I decided to blog my process, share my finds. Adventures in Educational Blogging is what developed. Over time it has branched out from chronicling our student blogging project. Now, it could more appropriately be called Adventures in Educational Technology, since any aspect of ed tech is fair game for a post.
Theme: edtech, K-6, tech coordinator, tech integration, elementary tech