A.A. Karim, Malaysia, Tertiary, Education
Dr Alias A. Karim is a Professor in Food Technology at the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Currently he lectures on Food Processing and Preservation, Physical Properties of Foods and Food Ingredients but in the last 16 years he has taught most of the food science subjects in the curriculum.
He always aspires to be a good educator as well as a good researcher. Enthusiasm, commitment and creativity are the three elements that best define him as a teacher. Prof Karim believes that teaching is an exciting adventure in which both the teacher and the students participate and cooperate to achieve a common goal. He has great interest in using Internet as an alternative medium for learning and teaching.
He has developed a comprehensive e-learning course/portal and a special website called “Virtual Food Science & Technology Library”. He has also developed and maintained a few websites and blogs related to teaching/learning and research.
Currently he is involved as a trainer in the technology-mediated learning workshop. In 2002, he received the inaugural USM’s Excellent Educator Award and Hall of Fame Award under the same category from the university. He is also the recipient of National Academic Award in 2008 for teaching category.
One Stop Learning
This blog is basically a repository of resources as well as articles related to teaching and learning. This is my humble attempt to put together useful links, articles, websites, presentations, videos, etc. in one place -- for my own reference and for those who are interested to learn more about teaching and learning
Theme: teaching, learning, lifelong learning, presentation skill, education, technology
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