Cyndi Danner-Kuhn, USA, K-16
I am a faculty member and the Education Technology Integration Coordinator for the Kansas State University College of Education. I am an educational futurist who works to leverage technology for the benefit of learners. I am an educator, digital storyteller, blogger and digital change agent, artist and friend. I address a range of topics related to technology integration, distance learning, education, business and twenty-first century literacy.
I am a catalyst for creative engagement and collaborative learning. Additionally, I am an experienced graphic designer, website designer, author and technology consultant. I have written and facilitated over $850,000 in technology grants in Kansas.
Bear in mind, I am not a geek/techie. I know many geek/techies, and I am absolutely NOT one of them. Geek/Techies are excited by creating the technology. I am excited by what that technology can do and about discovering the possibilities. Technology is changing the way we do business, teach, and learn, in the 21st century, I am a part of that change.
Technology Bits, Bytes & Nibbles
News, Tips, Tricks & Resources for Integrating Technology into Teaching.
My Website and Twitter account.
Theme: 1:1 Laptops, apple/MAC, apps, art, celebrate kansas voices, children's literature, conferences, contests, cyber safety, digital storytelling, education issues, elementary, K-6, elluminate, games, general, google, grading, help, internet safety, iPad, iPhone/iPod touch, ISTE/NETS, language arts, lesson plans, math, microbloging, middle school, music, podcasts, presentations, professional development, publishing, reading, research, school adminstration, science, secondary, 9-12, social media, social studies, teacher training, teachers, technology, tools, uncategorized, universal design for learning (UDL), video, vocabulary, spelling, web 2.0, wikipedia, windows, pc, workshops
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