Seán Delaney, Ireland, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Adult
I taught in primary school for 11 years and I currently teach mathematics education to prospective teachers. I am interested in all aspects of education. I have studied technology in education and teachers' mathematical knowledge.
I am the Interim Registrar in Coláiste Mhuire, Marino Institute of Education - a college that offers teacher education and other education programmes in Dublin, Ireland.
Teaching and Teacher Education
Some reflections and resources related to my life as a teacher, a teacher educator and a mathematics educator.
Inside Education
A weekly 30-minute podcast of education news, features, topics and stories from an Irish perspective.
Theme: primary, elementary, pre-school, special education, assessment, secondary, post-primary, teacher education, adult education, curriculum, teaching, learning, english as a second language, mathematics education, professional development, policy, practice
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