Amber Walraven, The Netherlands, Tertiary
I graduated at the University of Twente in 2004 at what was then called the faculty of Applied Educational Technology. I graduated at the department of instructional technology (IST). My project focused on the predictive measurement of metacognitive skills. From December 2004 till October 2008 I worked at the Open University of the Netherlands in Heerlen to obtain my PhD.
The title of my dissertation is: ‘Becoming a critical websearcher. Effects of instruction to foster transfer.’ I studied which criteria students and teachers of secondary education use for evaluating information on the Internet.
Together with history teachers I designed a lesson series to teach students in their third year of pre university education how to evaluate information on the Internet. Extra goal of the lessons was to achieve transfer of the evaluation skills to other subjects, like biology.
Since October 2008 I have been working as an assistant professor at the University of Twente, faculty of Behavioral Science, department Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation.
Amber Walraven’s Research and Teaching
In this blog I’ll try to keep you posted on the research and the teaching I am involved in. Since October 1, 2008 I am an assistant professor at the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. I work at the faculty of Behavioural Sciences in the department of Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation (in Dutch: Curriculumontwikkeling en Onderwijsinnovatie).
Theme: information problem-solving, ICT in education, critical use of the web, teaching, learning about my own teaching, curriculum and ICT
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