Victor Hugo Rojas B, Peru, Secondary, Tertiary, Adult, Teacher Education, Teacher Training, TEFL, EFL, Curriculum
I am Associate Professor of Language Education at UNE and Assistant Professor at UNMSM. I have been teaching English and French over 24 years. I teach a wide range of courses from beginning English to under/post graduate lectures, seminars and workshops on TEFL.
My research field is foreign/second language acquisition and learning, the impact of teaching EFL in PERU, e-Learning, distance education, among others.
This blog has been created to share pedagogical experiences on EFL teacher education, pre- and in- service teacher training, and some research. Reporting updated teaching and learning issues from different context around Peru and abroad.
Theme: teacher, foreign language education, teaching, learning, theory, approach, method, procedure, lesson, methodology, strategy, techniques, syllabus, materials, visual aids, convention, congress, workshop, course, ICT, moodle, blogging