Thursday, January 29, 2009
Kate Klingensmith
Kate Klingensmith, USA, K-12
My brief, yet incredible, experience in the classroom ended after I resigned from teaching after 4 years. I had been thinking that I could possibly make more of a change from the innovation side of education, rather than in the classroom. I taught Biology, Physics and Anatomy at an incredible charter school called YES, in Houston, before working for an education startup in San Francisco called Inigral, Inc.
I have a degree in Brain and Cognitive Science from MIT (’02), with a strong interest in learning theory and cognitive architecture, and I’m hoping to apply what I’ve learned over the past 10 years to figuring some things out. So far, the most important lesson that I can share is that social networking can play a huge role in education by allowing both teachers and students to build their own Personal Learning Network.
We are social animals and we thrive through interaction with others - I'm hoping that K-12 teachers everywhere will jump on board with this idea, and their students will ultimately see greater progress and success.
Once a Teacher
Intended to provide thoughts, resources, and advice to educators, my blog focuses on current best-practices, education-in-politics, pedagogy, and - most importantly - web 2.0 in the classroom.
Theme: education, web2.0, edtech, classroom