Rob Rubis (Robert J. Rubis), Thailand, Secondary, School Libraries & the move in libraries from web1.0 to web2.0
I am a Career Teacher-Librarian and have been a technology advocate since helping launch the first travelling computer roadshow in Abbotsford, BC (Commodore VIC20s) in 1980.
Environmental degradation, rapid societal change, the explosion of web2.0 technologies and the impact each has on underlying teaching pedagogy, has inspired me to launch a blog with “Devil’s Advocate” tendencies.
Edging Ahead...
“Edging Ahead” describes my current attitude to technology adoption. We now link out from a blog front end to our online research tools including subscription databases, online productivity tools, streaming video and iptv.
We employ Nings, Wikis and Googledocs when they lend themselves to teaching/learning situations and offer wireless laptops for student productivity use. There are many new avenues to explore, but “Edging Ahead” is a vehicle for reflecting on the educational implications of adoption before we act.
Theme: digital literacy, 21st century literacy, technology adoption, individualized learning, metacognition
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