Vicki A. Davis, USA, Secondary, Digital Citizenship, Computer Science, Computer Fundamentals, Keyboarding, Accounting, current Events, Computer Graphic Design, Digital Film, Integration of Technology into All Subject Areas
Vicki Davis is a teacher and the IT director at Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia. Vicki co-created three award winning international wiki-centric projects, the Flat Classroom project, the Horizon project, and Digiteen with teacher Julie Lindsay, currently at Qatar Academy.
These projects have linked more than 500 students from both public and private schools in Austria, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Spain, Qatar and the US in collaborative projects harnessing the most powerful Web 2.0 tools available including wikis, blogs, digital storytelling, podcasts, social bookmarking, and more.
Vicki was cofounder of the Women of Web 2 and was featured in Thomas Friedman's version 3 update to the World is Flat.
Vicki loves cooking, teaching, cats, dogs, and raising her 3 children in rural Georgia
Cool Cat Teacher
Teaching content with new tools, enthusiasm and the belief that teaching is a noble calling.
Theme: teaching, education, flatclassroom, digital citizenship, technology integration, curriculum
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