Kristen Kozloski, Ph.D., USA, K-12, University, Technology Leadership, Technology Integration, Leading Change
As a Director of Technology for a public school district, my goal is to be an advocate for teachers and lead them to change their pedagogy to include 21st century teaching practices that infuse technology as a transparent tool. I started out as an Elementary Computer Teacher in 1991 and have be integrating technology and collaborating with teachers on integrated technology projects over the last 17 years.
My research focus was on principal leadership for technology integration and I continue to focus on and support my administration in their leadership in technology at the building level.
I believe that as educators in a world of bigger, better, faster, quicker, we need to continue to advocate for BALANCE and make sure that while we are creating technologically literate children, we also continue to “teach” them how to play with blocks and real mud!!
Changing the Discussion
Theme: educational technology, leadership, change, web 2.0, technology integration