Monday, April 28, 2008
Amy Lenord
Amy Lenord, USA, Secondary, High School, Spanish
I am a Spanish teacher and technophile who enjoys trying out ways to incorporate technology into my instruction.
I author two blogs right now, one for my students/classroom and one dedicated to posting ideas for the technology I discover that I believe has potential for second language instruction.
Technolandia - currently offline
I use this blog to post my findings and ideas for technology and web apps that have direct use in the foreign language classroom as well as examples I have from my own classroom.
Lenolandia - currently offline
This blog serves as a classroom webpage, and much more. I post recaps of the class day along with any links or files the students might need. Also it includes resources for their use outside of class.
Themes: spanish, technology integration, web 2.0
high school,
secondary education,
technology integration,