Thursday, March 6, 2008
Siona Murray
Siona Murray, North Wales, UK, Further Education, Library 2.0
A library school graduate working in FE for two years, I wanted to try and open another channel of communication in the college between the library and the students. The Reader Development Group in the library has been working hard to challenge student perceptions and become a more inclusive environment.
Teaching staff have embraced new technology through Moodle and the blog itself, and are now regular contributors and commentators. This also helps to validate the content of the subject posts. We are now hoping to encourage more student interaction and contributions to make the blog even more relevant to their learning experience at the college.
LibeRaCe's Library Blog
Started in September 2007, the library blog team (just me!) aims to update the site daily with news, stock reviews, cross college info, links to useful peer reviewed resources, create subject specific posts, highlight free educational sites and generally try to be a one stop shop for staff, students and visitors basic information needs.
We also answer information questions sent to the blog by our students and present information that can be accessed by students with differing levels of ICT skills.
Theme: active learning, adult education, book reviews, college, community college, further education, information literacy, library, libraries, resources, social media, teaching & learning, wordpress
Site Theme: alevels, art & design, beauty therapy, catering, childcare, citizenship, engineering, english, environment, fashion, geography, graphic novels, manga, hairdressing, history, ICT, music, painting & decorating, plumbing, psychology, science, sociology, sport, tourism, welsh baccalaureate