Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Samantha Walder
Samantha Walder, South Dakota, USA, Secondary, Teacher,
British Literature, Advanced Composition, Speech/Composition, Journalism
1st year traditional teacher, also volunteered teaching English in Hong Kong.
Learning to Blog
This blog is used for local in-services and peers.
Classroom Blogs
Advanced Composition and Literature
Advanced Composition and British Literature
10th Grade English and Speech
Frankenstein brought to life…
Deuel High School Journalism
As part of the High Schools that Work program, I use blogging in my classroom to encourage daily writing skills. Their writing is graded on both spelling and grammar. Each classroom blog, as well as my website are used to deliver assignments, keep students and parents informed, as well as deliver reminders.
Theme: english education, student opinion
british literature,
student opinion,