Friday, March 21, 2008
Joe Wood
Joe Wood, USA, K-12, Science
I am 7th and 8th grade science teacher and technology coach in Sacramento, California. I use technology to engage my 21st century students and connect them to curriculum that can be a little 20th century at times. My students are bloggers, wiki builders, and regular podcasters.
From time to time we even use our cell phones in class for learning. If it involves technology and will engage my students, I am willing to give it a try and I encourage others to do the same.
This blog developed out of a need for me to be in multiple places at one time in my role as a technology coach for three different school sites. Many of my teachers are looking for new and innovative ideas for enhancing their current curriculum with technology.
JoeWoodOnline is where I post strategies and projects for teachers to try with their students.
Theme: k-12, 21st century learning, professional development, web 2.0
21st century learning,
professional development,