Monday, February 4, 2008

Doug Worsham & Ron Cramer

Doug Worsham Ron Cramer

Doug Worsham & Ron Cramer, Madison, USA, Tertiary, Instructional Technology

Doug Worsham is the Foreign Language Technologist and the AV Services Coordinator for L&S Learning Support Services at the University of Wisconsin - Madison where he helps foreign language instructors use technology to enhance student learning, produces audio recordings of instructional materials, and consults with L&S instructors and staff on all things audiovisual. He enjoys teaching custom workshops on educational technology topics from Audacity to wikis and everything in between.

Ron Cramer is a Learning Technology Consultant for DoIT-Academic Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He provides instructional technology support for a variety of teaching and learning endeavours on and off-campus. He's especially interested in educational technology that can be used to extend the classroom to the public.

Wisconsin Union Blend - currently offline
Wisconsin Union Blend is an informal place for members of the UW-Madison teaching and instructional technology communities to come together and talk about the campus issues that impact our respective fields. It is a place to partner, build collaborations, and merge ideas and efforts with the hope that we improve the spaces where teaching and technology blend.

Theme: instructional technology, blogs, wikis, podcasting, online collaboration, online communication, technology enhanced learning