Monday, January 28, 2008

Lynn V. Marentette

Lynn Marentette

Lynn V. Marentette, North Carolina, USA, K-12, High School, Tertiary, Graduate School

I'm a school psychologist and computer/technology student. I'm interested in how the use of interactive multimedia technology can support engaged learning. I maintain three blogs, which reflect my main areas of technology-related interest:

Interactive Multimedia Technology
This blog focuses on topics such as games in education, serious games, interactive multimedia applications for prevention and intervention, such as health promotion, stress management, and mental health, and exploring new ways that interactive multimedia can support efficiency in learning, cognition, and communication. This includes multi-touch technology on displays of all sizes, including interactive whiteboards.

Theme: interactive multimedia technology, serious games, multimedia, media, games and learning, intervention, multi-touch, interactive whiteboard, interactive displays, prevention, efficiency in learning, multimedia learning, visual learning, 3D, virtual reality, video games, games for health, games for social change, edutainment, therapeutic games

The posts on this blog are geared for psychologists, special educators, media specialists, educational technologists, teachers, speech and language therapists, and others who work in education or related fields. I look at ways that technology can be used to support important efforts in the schools, such as Universal Design for Learning, Response to Intervention, Positive Behavior Supports, and health promotion. I also touch on assistive technology, the use of technology in psychology, counseling, and related fields.

Theme: psychology, special education, education, universal design for learning, response to intervention, RTI, UDL, positive behavior supports, assistive technology, counseling, media, social skills, autism spectrum disorders, inclusion, educational technology, instructional technology, collaborative, PBIS, data-driven decision making, engaged learning, academic engagement, emotional intelligence, special needs, at-risk, dropout-prevention, universal usability, accessibility, coping skills, study skills, L.D., ADHD

Technology Supported Human-World Interaction
The posts on this blog reflect what I've been discovering during my mid-life return to higher-education studies. The topics in this blog include technologies that support human-world interaction on and off the desktop: ubiquitous and pervasive computing, human-computer-interaction, collaborative technologies, info-viz, usability, and interaction design. I sometimes post examples of things I've nominated for the "usability hall of shame".

Theme: usability, universal usability, infoviz, interaction design, usability hall of shame, human-world interaction, technology, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, HCI, ubicomp, collaborative technologies, 2.0, information visualization, research, interdisciplinary, off the desktop