Friday, July 5, 2013

Maria Filomia

Maria Filomia, Italy, Adult, ICT

Hello! I'm a Ph.D in Scienze Umane e dell'educazione. I'm an educator, an expert in family education, and I have taught in the Media Education laboratories at the Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione. My research area is media education, with particular interest in the relationship between families and media.

My research areas include school activities with particular interest in Whiteboard.

Mum4parents is a desire to be when I grow by analyzing the data of my research for a PhD, I realized that most of the parents has a limited knowledge related to new technologies and feels inadequate in respect of their children.

Then I dreamed that a blog could become a point of reference, a space for dialogue, a place of shared reflections, a blog in which to provide the wealth of knowledge and skills that I was gradually building up.

Theme: education, school, learning, parenting

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