Subir Shukla, India, Primary, Secondary, All Subjects
Learnt about education in a remote tribal village in central India. Now, Principal Coordinator - IGNUS-erg (a group of educational resource persons), and also the Educational Quality Advisor - SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan), India's EFA Campaign.
Work on large-scale systemic change in education, developing appropriate models for vulnerable population groups, and improving the quality of governmental as well as NGO educational programmes. This involves improved curricula, textbooks, teacher training and capacity building at various levels.
Also reaching out to teachers and grassroots functionaries making an effort to bring about improvement wherever they are, in whichever way they can.
Education Matters!
Elementary education in developing countries and India (especially post-RTE); equal learning opportunities for the poor and marginalized; systemic change for quality improvement, and insights gained from processes in India and South Asia.
Theme: equal learning opportunities, systemic reform, change processes, teachers, marginalized groups, vulnerable children, activity-based learning, pedagogy, multi-grade and multi-age, differential learning, equity issues, textbook development
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