Emily Starr, USA, Primary, Interactive Technologies
I started integrating online interactive content in my classroom instruction six years ago, and teaching with technology has been my passion ever since.
I left my fourth grade teaching position in 2005 to found StarrMatica Learning Systems. StarrMatica has grown to be a leading provider of interactive reading and math content and professional development for schools implementing interactive whiteboard technologies.
I share interactive content integration information with fellow educators at state ed-tech conferences and workshops, through online articles, and via two blogs.
StarrMatica Blog
Interactive whiteboard insights shares information about interactive content and interactive whiteboards in education with the goal of making technology integration easy and effective for all teachers and helping teachers bridge the gap between knowing how to operate hardware and actually integrating technology into daily instruction in exciting effective ways that motivate students.
Twitter: @StarrMatica
You Tube Channel: StarrMatica
Theme: interactive teaching, technology in education, interactive whiteboards, interactive resources, online learning, elearning
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