Geoff Cain, USA, Post Secondary, College, Education
I am an instructional designer and occasional community college English teacher and I am now the director of instructional design at College of the Redwoods.
I have taught developmental English, composition and literature. I also have taught health information management focusing on information management in the web 2.0 world. I have presented on the connected classroom, concept maps, podcasting, new media, social networking, and other related topics.
Brainstorm in Progress
Geoff Cain's blog for exploring pedagogy, instructional design, technology, online learning, web 2.0, and MUVEs.
At the heart of my teaching philosophy is my absolute belief in my student’s ability to learn. It is my goal as an instructor to create an environment and classroom community that facilitates those abilities.
Different students from different backgrounds, cultures, and abilities all have their have a contribution to make to this learning community. Both as a teacher and an instructional designer, it is important to create learning experiences that enables everyone’s ability to participate.
Theme: education, elearning, connectivism, constructivism, cognitivism, semantic web, second life, elearning, online learning, new media, social networking, web2.0, distance learning, OER, opensource, digital literacy, instructional design, concept mapping, concept maps, mindmaping, mindmaps, collaboration, cognitive science, GTD, writing, meditation, buddhism, psychology, cognitive science, web3.0, virtual worlds, MUVES, collaborative learning, pedagogy, secondlife