Tony Searl, Australia, Secondary, History, NSW Connected Classroom Project, English
Secondary History/English/Drama teacher for 20 plus years in NSW Australia. Passionate about public education, quality learning and teaching, the NSW DET connected classroom project, motivated individuals, fun, wow factors, Valiant Chargers and light bulb moments.
Not particularly fussed by technology per se. I'm attempting to leverage what engages, excites and stimulates digital natives to learn into my teaching practices and if that happens to be web2.0 et al, then so be it.
Viva la Digital Revolution! .... I hope.
Connected Classrooms - currently offline
Raw, part me & part professional musings. Evolving resources, clever educookies I respect, fun for me, pedagogical research, My Beloved Vals, stuff that helps kids learn.
Theme: NSW DET, public education, 21st century pedagogy