Stephanie Sandifer, Texas, USA, K-12, Post-Secondary, Education Policy & Innovation
Professionally I am currently serving as a campus-based Literacy/Instructional Coach at an inner-city high school. I have experience teaching at the K-12 and college levels, and have served in the administrative roles of School Improvement Facilitator and Dean of Instruction at the high school level. I am very interested in exploring innovations in education and I firmly believe that the education system in the United States is in desperate need of complete reinvention if we hope to be able to collaborate globally to improve quality of life for citizens of every country.
I am particularly interested in classroom instructional issues, technology integration/infusion, distance education, and education leadership and policy issues. I have been blogging since March of 2006 and can no longer imagine being a professional educator/learner without an online personal learning network. I believe that my role as an educator demands that I be a learner first and that I model my learning for my students and my fellow educators.
Personally I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and I love being with my two newborn twins who have enriched my life dramatically in recent weeks. I strive for a healthy work/life balance that allows me to make a difference in the lives of others through my profession while also being the parent and partner that I need to be for my family.
Change Agency - currently offline
Change Agency covers professional topics in education, education reform & school improvement, technology integration, art education, professional development and leadership for 21st century education, web 2.0 in education, and a variety of other educational innovations.
Theme: school improvement, educational change, education innovation, edtech, instructional technology, web 2.0, art education