Rodd Lucier, Canada, Elementary, Secondary, K-12, All Subjects
As a teacher who has used media and other communications technologies to engage learners for more than 20 years, I'm looking for opportunities to to engage in meaningful conversations with teachers who see themselves as learners.
The Clever Sheep
The Clever Sheep aims to assist teachers in harnessing evolving e-learning tools, internet sites, and Web 2.0 technologies to engage 21st century student learners. If you're an educator who is ready to learn about established and evolving technologies like blogs, wikis, podcasts and more, this may be the best place to start!
'Teacher 2.0'
The clever sheep isn't likely to follow the flock and is more likely to take risks. This podcast is intended to engage educators in discussion about how various communications technologies can be harnessed to engage learners of all types. The show runs many times each week, usually from 4-7 minutes and is available on iTunes or by RSS subscription.
Theme: e-learning, elearning, classroom, web2.0, technology, network, tools, communication, blog, wiki, collaboration, online learning